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Purpose Driven Coaching




My name is Ashley Shuster and I am a Life and Transition Coach.


After finally surrendering to my disease in September 2011, I struggled to find my place in the world. I had long since hit my rock bottom. With low self-confidence and self-worth, I desperately wanted to figure out who I was, now that I was sober. The same question kept reappearing, "What now?"


There were so many things I wanted to do, but I had absolutely no idea how to do them, or in what order. My natural instinct was to do them all at the same time.


First thought wrong!


I knew I had what it took to build a life I could be proud of, but I was clueless where to begin! My physical, mental and spiritual health had been ignored for so long, but I was determined to grow. This was my second chance.


I knuckled down and took the suggestions and guidance from anyone and everyone that was outside of myself. The determination and stubbornness that helped fuel me through the depths of my addiction was now becoming an asset in helping to give me the focus and determination to accomplish great things over the next few years. However, the word "balance" was not in my vocabulary and I was still completely clueless to the answer of one very important life question, "what is my why?". I knew deep within my core that the answer to this question was something that I desperately needed to know.


My amazing mother once told me something that I will never forget, "If there's one thing in life that's guaranteed, it's change". These were wise words from a wise woman.


Fast forward to the summer of 2015.


I woke up one morning to find myself engulfed in yet another life twist. My life felt as if it had completely flip-flopped over night. Everything seemed to be changing, and within two months time, it did. I suddenly questioned my college and future career path and decided not to enroll in fall semester classes for my BSW. This decision also meant the job that I had taken on and embraced for the past 2 years was no longer needed. At the same time, my long-term relationship ended and I found myself packing my life into the back of my car and heading to my parents house. I was once again feeling the low self-confidence and self-worth that I had felt a few years before, and it was not an enjoyable feeling. To make a long story short, I was a mental and emotional wreck, feeling overwhelmed and lost. I needed help and guidance, and I needed it fast. 


That's when I started working with Marcus, my life coach. My world changed. Don't get me wrong, it took a whole lot of effort and a great deal of willingness but slowly, together, we discovered who I was in this chapter of my life and I began to learn the tools necessary to successfully navigate future life chapters, changes and obstacles. I was able to dissect myself and learn all about me, Ashley, the strong-willed, smart, powerful woman who struggled to make decisions and battled an inner fight with perfectionism. I began to understand the beneficial role of balance and how to implement it into my hectic and evolving life. I was discovering my purpose, passion and direction! To top it all off, I was having fun doing it!

Fast forward to the present.

I am now a certified holistic health and wellness coach. I also have an Associate's Degree in Applied Science in Mental Health/Social Work. After obtaining both educations, getting healthy and redirecting my own life, and being mentored by the 2011 International Coach of the Year, I created a life and transition coaching business, Transcending Limitations, LLC. I am finally piecing together the answer to my original question, "what is my why?"

My mission is to guide my clients to self-discovery by helping them come into contact with themselves, possible for the first time, and together discovering who they are and what they want; to create a balanced life of health, well-being, purpose and fulfillment.


Is this possible? Yes. How do I know? Because I have done it and am still doing it today! I am living proof that it can become a reality. Our lives are what we make it. Let's make it great!

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